Academic Papers and Books | Conference Presentations

Journal of Socio-Economics | Transprency Footprints of Central Banks
Research Paper | Compatibility and
Predictability of Finanacial Crises
GameStop and Rumors
​Social Network Analysis
University of London, Birkbeck
London, UK
February 2023
SASE 33rd Conference – SPTC Theory Presentation
Virtual Event – Universitat Duisburg
Essen, Germany
July 2021
Financial Trading
University of Cantabria
London, UK
July 2018 and July 2019
Brexit & London as a
Financial Centre
Hartford University
London, UK
June 2018
Intro to Hedge Funds &
Private Equity
CUNIF – MSc in Finance (Madrid)
London, UK
March 2016
Intro to Hedge Funds &
Venture Capital
Charles University
Prague, CZ
December 2015
Intro to Hedge Funds &
Private Equity
CUNIF – MSc in Finance (Madrid)
London, UK
March 2015, 2014 and 2013
Rational Expectations
Birkbeck University
London, UK
September 2012
Comparability and Predictability
of Financial Crises
Birkbeck University
London, UK
September 2011
Discourse and Politics in
Financial Crises
Birkbeck University
London, UK
April 2010
EBS Conference: Central Bank Minutes
in Times of Turmoil
European Business School
London, UK
March 2008
ECB Transparency:
European Business School
London, UK
November 2007
Analysis of UK and
Greek Economies
Universidad CEU San Pablo
Madrid, Spain
April 2007
European Central Bank
Memorial Lecture: Jean Monnet
European Business School
London, UK
November 2006
Introduction to
Agricultural Bank of China
London, UK
August 2006

Academic Contact
UK: London | US: Boston